Postal Address Verification API

PAV (Postal Address Verification) is a CASS Certified™ API that allows you to standardize, correct, and validate U.S. and Canadian addresses in one step. Save time, money, and resources by verifying that addresses are deliverable before mailings or packages are sent out.

Create a client in any programming language to interact with the API. See our Quick Start Guides to get started with some of the most common platforms. If you have questions, look at our FAQ or contact us.

Canadian Address Verification

When verifying a Canadian address, the API will only verify the city, state, and ZIP Code.

The province name must be abbreviated in order for PAV to append a missing ZIP Code to a verified Canadian address. The following are the Canadian provinces/territories and their abbreviations.

  • Alberta: AB
  • British Columbia: BC
  • Manitoba: MB
  • New Brunswick: NB
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: NL
  • Northwest Territories: NT
  • Nova Scotia: NS
  • Nunavut: NU
  • Ontario: ON
  • Prince Edward Island: PE
  • Québec: QC
  • Saskatchewan: SK
  • Yukon: YT

Let’s start sending, together.