SIP trunking vs VoIP: which is better for your business?

Topic: SIP Trunks

If you’re looking for a communication system for your business and don’t know your session initiation protocol (SIP) from your voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) we’re here to help.

This blog will outline the key differences between SIP and VoIP, so you can decide which might be best for your business.


Instead of routing your calls through traditional phone lines, which can be expensive and limited in terms of functionality, you can use both SIP and VoIP to transmit calls – but they are not the same.

VoIP is a technology that supports making and receiving calls over the internet whereas SIP is a protocol that allows calls plus file sharing, instant messaging, multimedia and video conferencing.  

If you simply need to make and receive high-definition calls via the internet VoIP can function without SIP However, if your business needs multimedia communication capability, you will need SIP technology to support it.

 The benefits of SIP and VoIP

VoIP used as a standalone can be a really cost-effective option for small or new businesses that have collocated employees. It provides the voice calling functions every business requires but typically sits alongside other applications such as Teams, Skype, or Google Meet – or via a hosted VoIP service that uses SIP technology.

SIP trunking provides a more comprehensive option, delivering telephone services and unified communications to customers including features like call management, voicemail, auto attendants, and other features.

The shared benefits of VoIP with SIP include reduced costs, improved efficiency, and scalability, particularly when compared to older telephony systems.


Traditional enterprise phone systems called for significant investment to set up, maintain and upgrade. Using SIP with VoIP can save companies money, particularly if businesses handle long-distance and international calls. Not only are costs reduced but they are predictable from month to month.

Mobile and scalable

SIP can keep your business always on and connected—whether your team is virtual, collocated, or on the move. It supports communication to and from mobile devices, computers, or landline phones. It lets you consolidate voice and data across a single network. Without the need for physical lines, scaling is quick and easy as your organization grows or your business needs change.

Joined-up communications

Having multiple software systems is an operational and maintenance nightmare. SIP lets you move to an integrated solution, removing worries about call quality or software incompatibility.  With a cloud-based system, teams can access what they need to stay productive and support customers with communication on demand.

A final thought…

Understanding the difference between SIP and VoIP is as simple as recognizing that they are two different technologies that work perfectly together, with one adding more multimedia capability than the other.

SIP and VoIP are both integral to business communication. While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for businesses, combining VoIP and SIP makes it easier to interact with customers all over the world and opens the way for better communication and collaboration, to keep you productive and competitive.

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Mary Henry

Mary has extensive experience in communication, PR and journalism - most recently across SaaS businesses. A keen researcher and storyteller, Mary is highly skilled in making complex concepts accessible, and in putting customers at the heart of her communication. She has supported all kinds of businesses to tell their brand, product and people stories - from global multinationals to start-ups across retail, travel/leisure, banking/finance, government and educational institutions.