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Resource | ebook

4 Ways to Use Mobile Messaging in Real Estate & Property Management

Discover how leaders in the real estate industry can use SMS messaging to boost productivity, improve customer relationships and more.

Resource | Webinar

10 DLC: What is it and How Can You Remain Compliant?

Learn everything you need to know about 10DLC compliance for your next SMS messaging campaign.

Resource | Guide

A Guide to Calculating Your ROI

Sending SMS campaigns, but not sure of their impact? You need to calculate their ROI – find out how.

Resource | Webinar

Behind the Scenes: Esendex’s SMS Online Platform

See Esendex’s SMS online platform in action in this quick, on-demand webinar.

Resource | ebook

The 5 Essentials of SMS Marketing

Getting started with SMS? Check out this guide to the 5 essentials you need for a successful campaign.

Resource | Report

The Connected Consumer Report

We surveyed 1,000 US consumers on their communication preferences – find out what they said.

Resource | ebook

The Cost of Frustrated Customers

We all know good customer service is crucial to a successful business, but just how much does frustrating your customers cost you? Find out in this ebook.

Resource | Guide

The Power of
Mobile Messaging
for the Transport &
Logistics Industry

Transportation and logistics companies have a unique set of needs when it comes to communication. Discover how SMS messaging can help meet these needs and boost efficiency.

Let’s start sending, together.